Saturday, August 22, 2009

Corpses are more fit to be thrown out than is dung.

Corpses are more fit to be thrown out than is dung. This is a famous quote by Heraclitus, the great Greek philosopher. Now, wat it says is really relevant for a lot of us here. Think of stool, not being thrown out from the body, it would create stench, make one sick and intoxicate the person. Now analyse the situation. The stool was once the food we ate and savoured with so much pleasure. But if we keep thinking about how much we savoured the food, we wont ever be able to get it out. But as the thing goes, now the same thing which was nutritious, life giving and an elixir of life has became an intoxicating, malignant substance. So to remove it is very important to remain in good health. Now as it goes its more important to have a healthy mind than a healthy body. What stool is to body, past is to mind. A lot of time we had savoured a particular thing in the past, enjoyed it and extracted from it elixir of life for the mind. But as it happens, some bad experiences can turn the same thing into a venomous serpant lurking through the senses and making one more prone to injuries. Now, what is important is to throw out this corpse of past life and move on. If we dont throw it out, we wont even know when this venomous serpant will become fatal and take away all the joys of our life from us. As it goes the baggage of past is the toughest to carry. So lets leave it behind and enjoy the presents extended to us by the "present". If we ignore these presents for our past, thr will surely be a day when we will regret missing those presents and will have more baggage to carry eventually. I'll end this here with another quote by the mighty Heraclitus "It would not be better if things happened to people just as they wish."

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